Keto Diet: What, Why, How?



The Quito Diet is now a well-known name for its radical health changes. Many people are now choosing this diet from various diets.

The main purpose of the Keto diet is to avoid carbohydrate foods and burn the body's carbohydrates. When fat burning is over, the body begins to burn stored carbohydrates. The result is weight loss.


There are basically four types of keto diet.

> Standard ketogenic diet: It contains 5% carbs, 25% protein and 60% fat.

> Cyclic ketogenic diet: This keto diet can be eaten high carb twice a week.

> Targeted ketogenic diet: In this keto you can eat carbs before or after exercise.

> High Protein Keto Diet: Much like the standard keto diet, only protein increases from 25% to 35%.


Glucose is the main fuel for the human body. The main purpose of the keto diet is to use ketone bodies as fuel instead of glucose. This diet is low in carbs, high in fat and high in protein, so many people call it a super low-carb diet.

Many of us have a normal diet of 50% carbohydrates, 20% protein and 30% fat. Typical ketogenic diets contain 5% carbs, 25% protein and 60% fat to meet caloric needs.


*** Foods that are not restricted to the Keto diet:

Quantities of greens, vegetables.

> Beef and mutton, but it must be drug-free and nurtured by eating grass, herbs or straw. As khas food is provided.

> You can eat any type of fish. However, among the oily native fish, pangas, boal, hilsa, sarpunti, brigade, grass carp, baim fish are better. Better if it is oily or sea fish. Try to eat fish eggs as much as possible.

> Eating a small amount of cow or goat legs can be very beneficial at this time. You can order khas food to get safe cow legs.

> Lots of pickled fruits.

> You can eat chicken eggs. There is no problem if it is a farm, but it is better if it is omega-3 or domestic chicken or duck eggs. In this case you can eat safe chicken eggs of khas food.

> Ghee, Organic Butter, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.

You can find almost all these at khas food outlets. You can also order from Khas Food's website.> Any type of nut. Peanuts, almonds, pistachios, other nuts that are there. If you want you can eat delicious peanut butter of khas food. However, eat a small amount.

> Color tea or coffee can eat milk, without sugar. You can mix green tea of ​​khas food with lemon, ginger, a little salt. Along with coffee, you can make MCT oil, butter or ghee and organic coconut oil to make butter coffee. It will work well. ***


*** The foods that are forbidden to eat in the Quito diet

> Everything made of rice such as rice, rice bread and any product made with rice.

> Wheat bread, bread, biscuits or any food.

> No type of pulses can be eaten.

> Potatoes, sweet-potatoes, plant-potatoes or sugary vegetables, such as radishes.

> Foods made with yogurt, pickles, milk and direct milk.

> The chickens of those farms which are fed food produced from tannery waste, are fed soy, the chickens of that type of farm.

> Cows or bulls that are fattened and fresh by applying medicine are all beef cows. The same goes for Khasi.

> Coke, fruit juices, cakes, ice cream, chocolate, smoothies, any type of sugar or sweets are excluded.


> Exclude any type of processed food. ***

The keto diet is quite a difficult thing for vegetarians. Because if you take a very small amount of protein in the Keto diet, it is very difficult to get that protein from vegetables. Vegetables also contain protein as well as sugars, which can interfere with the keto diet.

The Quito diet does not mean eating a lot of meat. In the case of the Keto diet, the source of calories is divided into three parts. 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs. All in all the Keto diet is sorted.

One thing to keep in mind is that things that come with little effort don't take long to go away So before starting any diet, it is necessary to know the details about it. Very good, if experienced can take refuge in someone.

And suddenly plan a diet to go according to it, again when happy to leave! Doing so is more likely to worsen health than improvement. We all grew up with different environments, diets and health. A diet that is very effective for others may not work for me. So it is better not to start anything without doing enough research.

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